Sinus rhythms originate from the Heart's Sinus Node (SA Node).
This video will discuss the different types of sinus rhythms.
This video will cover the following:
✅ Normal Sinus Rhythm
✅ Sinus Bradycardia
✅ Sinus Tachycardia
NORMAL SINUS RHYTHM Rate: 60-100/min
Rhythm: Regular
P waves: Present with 1:1 Conduction
PR interval: 3-5 Small boxes (0.12 -0.20 seconds)
QRS: narrow (≤ 3 boxes or ≤ 0.12 seconds)
Rate: < 60/ min
Rhythm: Regular
P waves: Present with 1:1 Conduction
PR interval: 3-5 Small boxes (0.12 -0.20 seconds)
QRS: narrow (≤ 3 boxes or ≤ 0.12 seconds)
Rate: > 100/ min
Rhythm: Regular
P waves: Present with 1:1 Conduction
PR interval: 3-5 Small boxes (0.12 -0.20 seconds)
QRS: narrow (≤ 3 boxes or ≤ 0.12 seconds)
Disclaimer: This video is for educational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. While we strive for 100% accuracy, errors may occur, and medications or protocols may change over time.