In this video, we will be discussing the Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) Equipment Check (8th Edition). We will share some tips & tricks on how to do the NRP equipment check quickly and effectively. The check is based on the 8th Edition NRP program guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) & American Heart Association (AHA)
AHA 2020 Guidelines:
#theresuscitationcoach#NRP#NRP8thEdition#neonatology#midwifery#neonatologist #nicu #nicu #nicubaby #preemie #preemiestrong #niculife #weeker #preemiebaby #prematurebaby #micropreemie #baby #nicustrong #premature #nicuwarrior #preemiepower #nicugrad #nicugraduate #newborn #prematurity #nicubabies #miraclebaby #nicujourney #nicuawareness #nicunurse