P-wave: Atrial Depolarization/ Contraction of the Atria
PR-interval: The time from the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the QRS complex.
QRS: Ventricular Depolarization/ Contraction of the Ventricles
T-wave: Ventricular Repolorization
5-Step method of Interpreting a Basic ECG/EKG:
Normal (60-100)
Bradycardia (<60)
Tachycardia ( >100)
2. Rhythm?
Regular (R-R distances constant)
Irregular (R-R distances varies)
3. Are there P-waves?
One P-wave for every QRS?
1:1 conduction?
4. PR Interval ?
Normal= 0.12- 0.20 seconds
3-5 small boxes
5. QRS normal or wide?
Normal= ≤ 0.12 seconds
≤ 3 small boxes
See our video on the Anatomy of the ECG & 5-Step Method: https://www.theresuscitationcoach.com/post/basic-ecg-ekg-part-2-the-anatomy-of-the-ecg-ekg-5-step-method-of-interpreting-a-basic-ecg-ekg
Disclaimer: This video/post is for educational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. While we strive for 100% accuracy, errors may occur, and medications or protocols may change over time.